Meryl Moritz appointed to 2010 Global Board

FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE – November  1, 2009 – To fill the vacant seat left by Ed Modell, PCC, (who will serve the ICF as President-Elect in 2010), the International Coach Federation Nominating Committee selected Meryl Moritz, MCC, (USA) to serve as Director through 2011.  Moritz is a founding member of the International Consortium of Coaching in Organizations (ICCO) and a sponsor of the International Journal of Coaching in Organizations. A Certified Mentor Coach since 1999, Moritz has mentored executive coaches in the United States and abroad. She was on faculty of New York University’s SCPS Center for Management where she taught coaching in a professional certificate program.  Moritz will co-present Planning and Goal Setting, a WisdomCircle for a Core Competencies session, with Anita Hussl–Arnold, MCC, at the 2009 ICF Annual International Conference in Orlando, Florida, USA. See the ICF Conference Web site for more information.

The ICF is delighted to announce the three new Board members and four returning Board members who will serve on the global ICF Board beginning January 1, 2010:
President-Elect: Ed Modell, PCC (USA)
Directors-at-Large (terms expiring 2011): Meryl Moritz, MCC (USA) (new)
Directors-at-Large (terms expiring 2012):
• John Annesley, PCC (Australia);
• Philip Brew, MCC (UK);
• Damian Goldvarg, PCC (Argentina/USA) (new);
• Marilyn O’Hearne, MCC (USA); and
• Cheryl Vermey, ACC (USA) (new).
An in-depth interview with the 2010 global Board of Directors will be included in the December 2009 issue of Coaching Worlds

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